by Asian Center for Missions, Inc. | Jun 25, 2019 | Uncategorized
In pursuit of mobilizing and equipping Christians for cross-cultural missions through holistic training, the Asian (World) Center for Missions tied up with Asociación Misionera Interdenominacional El-Shaddai(AMIES)Inc. based in Puerto Rico. ACM Philippine Director,...
by Asian Center for Missions, Inc. | Jun 17, 2019 | Uncategorized
The annual Water Festival, Songkran, marks the beginning of the traditional Thai New Year. The government usually gives extended holidays in the country during this time. This break allows for many to plan a needed getaway. Our ACM Missionaries serving in South East...
by Asian Center for Missions, Inc. | Jun 17, 2019 | Uncategorized
It was a particularly fulfilling and fruitful season of ministry for Maria Fe Dequito in Cambodia. After 18 years of serving the Lord as a missionary along with her husband, Noel Dequito, and their two kids, their faithful labor among the Cambodians have finally...